People !!
Everyday I grow . Every person I meet I learn something from them. Every time I travel my perception on life changes in a positive way. The definition of life has been changing day by day. I no longer believe in good or bad, that doesn’t exist.It’s all about your definition. People never disappoint in disappointing you but still I believe in people .I love them, I care for them. It’s because of them I had and would be a better person.
I no longer judge people. I believe I’m at a position where I accept them the way they are. What matters to me is the purest form of emotions I see. I get the vibes seeing a person and yes I rely on them not always but most of the times along with my conscience doing its job on the side.
I try doing something new frequently. I am not a pro but I am happy that I tried what I want to and live the life as simple as I can. Materials doesn’t make me happy but moments does. When I am old all I want to look at are the memories I made not the materialistic things I own.
Once a friend told me not to talk about things that I have done but to talk about the things am doing now. I always like to live in the present as we never know about future and those words from him actually strengethed my thoughts and my heart to work towards what I am now and what I want to be at this moment.
All I want to convey is that we live only once make it the best. Hatred, Jealousy and anger are all human emotions but controlling them and diverting your thoughts towards love, care and support would make this world a better place. Never judge someone and try accepting them the way they are. Spread smiles, you never knew what that means to someone. Living is tuff but it’s all about how you deal with it. Worrying would slow you down and that can do no good to your lifing. Being happy and making memories should be your motto.
Happy Lifing guys !!
-A pen with a heart